

Sportfeedback helps clients to develop their health and performance by providing:

Sportfeedback is specialized in combing neurofeedback along with mindfulness training. Neurofeedback training helps to optimize brain function and increase presence in the present moment. Mindfulness training is also a good complement to neurofeedback training as it helps individuals become more aware of what is happening in the body and to pay attention to training reactions. Both of these methods are based on brain neuroplasticity.

Arne Edvardsson giving a neurofeedback adn mindfulness lecture at the  international The Science and Practice of Racket Sport for Improved performance and Health Special Focus on Table Tennis 25-27th April, 2018, Halmstad University, SWEDEN
Arne Edvardsson giving a neurofeedback adn mindfulness lecture at the international conference: The Science and Practice of Racket Sport for Improved performance and Health Special Focus on Table Tennis 25-27th April, 2018, Halmstad University, Sweden

Do you have questions about our services? Please, feel free to contact us.